Memorial Day welcomes the summer crowds and brings the surf starved rippers to the local summer right points. Today was a little different. Unbelievably mellow crowd, great weather and fun waves until Mr. Ripper shows up. Rumor has it that hes from a sick winter spot in Oxnard.
If you are reading this. Thank you for make it so fun for everyone. Thank you for the repetitive snaking, back paddling, kook stance mocking and name calling. Thank you for telling me and one of the local groms how your going to punch us and slap us after snaking us. again Thank you. If anyone knows this rad person please send our big Memorial Day Thank you to him... Have a nice summer!
*Applause Applause*
If you are reading this. Thank you for make it so fun for everyone. Thank you for the repetitive snaking, back paddling, kook stance mocking and name calling. Thank you for telling me and one of the local groms how your going to punch us and slap us after snaking us. again Thank you. If anyone knows this rad person please send our big Memorial Day Thank you to him... Have a nice summer!
*Applause Applause*

Please come to Malibu!
spawn of Manatee?
hate to judge on looks and dress but....dude looks like a member.
Whats the deal with going to another break, acting like an a**hole, and claiming somewhere else all the while?? Who does that? Could you imagine paddling out at Pipe saying, "F-you. I'm from Malibu!" I guess this kid made the poor assumption that claiming Silver Strand would cause fear into the minds of others, 'cept all it really did was show that he's been livin' under a rock. Sounds like the heavies and elders at the Strand need to instill a little discipline and lessons of respect into those representing their break.
i like the hair/rashgaurd color coordination, classy
if a human could look like an actual
penis it would be this one.
sounds like he has the behavior as well.
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